Easy Set-Up and Op


The-Host Property Management System is installed at many resorts and hotels of all sizes. At some of these the users have never before operated a computer. It is a very comprehensive system that does everything that the more expensive systems can do - yet it is designed in a way that makes it very easy to learn. You do not need to be a Hotel School Graduate to operate the package.

Our skilled and experienced staff will install and configure the software package, tailored to each individual property prior to training your operators.

Unlimited rate codes. Efficiency of our system helps to streamline your tariff sheet.
Simple tariff table or optional complex rate package setup. (screenshot) including accommodation, food, travel, sport, commission, conference etc.
Unlimited flexible room type/category definitions. - Most places only use five or less.
Unlimited rooms per category - some clients with just 8 and others with several hundred.
Unlimited market codes - for use with Source of bookings report.
Unlimited number of users. Password user access and security levels - user profiling. 
Customised general hotel data 
Uncomplicated user friendly visual interface based on a very Logical design
User manual and online Help.
Includes free Popup Point-of-Sale for over the counter front desk cash sales.
Always available popup rates query calculator accompanied by Windows calculator.
Pre-emptive and intuitive prompting, in-screen detailed prompting.
Simple and logical menu layouts.
All big decision branch points clearly explained.
Colour coded booking Tape-Charts.

All high-utilisation functions are on hot key

...and can be activated at absolutely any point of activity. e.g.:

Instant availability query, F9.

Guest search, Alt G.

Rates / Package table.

On line Calendar and Calculator.

Popup Cash Sale.

Hotel Diary and Notepad plus private Notepad for each user.

Many more.


Easy user to user message system.
Remembers last used transaction-posting codes.
Popup search browse boxes when users can’t remember codes etc.
Look-up lists for every possible point where data or codes are needed.
Colourful and exciting screen layouts – maintain user interest and enjoyment.
Automatic timed logout when keyboard not touched – for security.
Conveniently and securely controls the cash drawer adding security in the front office.
Records the activities of each user by policing in the background and on the desktop.
Positive and encouraging motivational messages features.
Many more


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